Exhibitions & Workshops

Humans x Nature x Technology = ?
Exhibition at SusHi Tech Square
19 June - September 23, 2024
Rethink Haizai Artists: Seiya Kaji, Ian Grossberg, studioBOWL

Dodo x Make!Make!Make!
September 29, 2024, 10:00-18:00
@ Keihin Island
Re-think Haizai is teaming up with our friends at dodotokyo to host the first Open Factory at dodo Atelier!
- Re-think Haizai art exibition and live auction!
- Scrap material flea market!
- Scrap material art workshops!
- Flower arrangement workshops!
- Food, music, and more!
Let's enjoy the autumn of art in this special art space that you cannot experience anywhere else!
Workshop registration now open!
See the official event page for the full event details!